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If you need help with other issues, please check one of our partner agencies to see if they can give you the extra help that you need.
There is nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable sometimes, but take control by taking that next step into getting some help.
WeAreWithYou! (Formally Addaction) | 79 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries DG1 2AB | 01387263208 | 08000350793 | |
ADS (Alcohol and drugs services) | 79 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries DG1 2AB | enquiries@adssws.co.uk | 01387259999 |
ADS Stewartry | 225 King Street Castle Douglas | enquiries@adssws.co.uk | 01556503550 |
Advocacy services (Right to be heard) | 9 Church crescent Dumfries DG1 1DF | Contact form on DG Advocacy | 01387247237 |
APEX Dumfries (referral needed for food parcel Monday to Friday 10am-2pm) | 77-79 Friars Vennel, Dumfries DG1 2RF | dumgal@apexscotland.org.uk | 01387256310 |
APEX Stranraer | 2 Back Rampart, High Street, Stranraer DG9 7LW | stran@apexscotland.org.uk | 01776700973 |
Bethany Trust | 36 Whitesands, Dumfries, DG1 2RS | Contact form on Bethany Christian Trust | 01387259400 |
Breathing Space | 0800838587 | ||
Care Inspectorate | Mountainhall Treatment Centre Bankend Road Dumfries DG1 4AP | enquiries@careinspectorate.gov.scot | 03456009527 |
CAAT (Crisis assessment and treatment team) | 01387 246246 | ||
DGHP (Dumfries and Galloway housing partnership) | Grierson House, The Crichton, Bankend Rd, Dumfries DG1 4ZS | customerservice@dghp.org.uk | 08000113447 |
Home Group (Home Scotland) | Hestan House The Crichton, Dumfries DG1 4TA | contactus@homegroup.org.uk | 03451414663 |
Dumfries and Galloway council switchboard | contact@dumgal.gov.uk | 03033333000 | |
Loreburn Housing | 27 Moffat Road, Dumfries DG1 1NN | customerservice@loreburn.org.uk | 01387321300 | Repairs 01387321400 |
Riverside Housing (formally Irvine Housing) | 03451126600 | ||
NHS 24 | 111 | ||
NHS Specialist Drug and Alcohol Service | Lochfield Road Primary Care Centre, 12 – 28 Lochfield Road, Dumfries DG2 9BH | 01387244555 | |
Non emergency police | 101 | ||
Emergency services | 999 | ||
The Samaritans | jo@samaritans.org | 116123 | |
First Base (food parcels between 12pm and 2pm) | 68 Buccleuch Street, Dumfries DG1 2AH | info@firstbasedumfries.co.uk | 01387279680 |
Adult Social Work | 03033333001 | ||
Abourlour Family Support (Food parcels) | Lincluden House North West Resource Centre, College Drive, Dumfries DG2 0BX | familyoutreachdumfries@aberlour.org.uk | 01387325090 |
Citizens Advice Dumfries | 81-85 Irish Street, Dumfries DG1 2PQ | 0300 303 4321 | |
DWP (department of work and pensions) | 08001690310 | ||
EU Settlement | 03001237379 | ||
FIAT (Financial Inclusion and Assessment team over 60s) | 01387260233 | ||
FRENDZ (pregnancy crisis) | frendzdumfries@gmail.com | 07961 865 720 | |
Gamblers Anonymous | Activity And Resource Centre Burns St, Dumfries DG1 2PS | 0370 050 8881 | |
Homeless options | 01387260783 | ||
ILS (Independent living support Dumfries) | 8 George Street Meuse, Dumfries DG1 1HH | enquiries@ils-dumfries.co.uk | 01387262226 |
ILS (Independent living support Stranraer) | 8 Castle St, Stranraer DG9 7RT | enquiries@ils-dumfries.co.uk | 01776258120 |
Lemon Aid (utility specialist) | 08000496528 | ||
LIFT (Lochside is Families Together charity) | Contact form on LIFT | 01387279657 | 07783137918 | |
Men’s Shed | Contact form online at Dumfries Mens Shed | 01387460107 | |
MOOL (Massive outpour of love) charity for refugees | c/o St Andrews Parish Hall, 27 Brooke St, Dumfries DG1 2JL | hello@mool.scot | 07497080557 |
Oasis Centre (12-18 year olds) | Oasis Youth Centre, Newall Terrace, Dumfries, DG1 1LW | 01387 260243 | |
Olive Branch (Firestation/hoarding specialist) | 01387734845 | ||
SSAFA (Servicemen/woman support) | 01387266840 | ||
Scottish Welfare Fund (Crisis and Community care grants) | 03033333007 | ||
SHAX | Merrick House, Bankend Road, The Crichton, Dumfries DG1 4TA | info@shax.org.uk | 01387245358 |
PETAL (bereavement support) | PETAL Support, 8 Barrack Street, Hamilton, ML30DG | 016898324502 | |
River of Life Church (Monday to Friday after 6pm food parcels) | Lovers Walk, Dumfries Station, Dumfries DG1 1LU | mark@riveroflife.org.uk | 01387254444 |
Salvation Army (hot meals Monday and Friday 11am-1pm) | 97 Whitesands, Dumfries. DG1 2RX | dumfries@salvationarmy.org.uk | 01387 249341 |
St Georges Church hall (hot meal Tuesdays 6pm) | George Street, Dumfries DG1 1EJ | 01387247780 | |
Troqueer Parish Church | Troqueer Rd, Dumfries DG2 7DF | secretary@troqueerparishchurch.com | 01387253043 |
Womans Aid | 12 Whitesands, Dumfries DG1 2RR | 01387263052 | 07710 152772 (24Hrs 7 days a week) |